
Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Explanation, You’ll have to go, Laura; you’re the artistic one. from The Garden Party

Explanation: 01. You’ll have to go, Laura; you’re the artistic one.

The line has been mentioned from Katherine Mansfield’s famous short story, The Garden Party. This is a speech made by Mrs. Sheridan to her youngest daughter Laura. The line shows the activity of Laura.

After many difficulties the Sheridan family fixed a date for their garden party. The weather of the day was ideal and the sky was without a cloud. On the day when the workmen came to put up the marque, Laura went to her mother to know where the marquee would be put up but her mother wanted to be free from the party and stay like a guest.
Then she thought to send Meg to the workmen but she disagreed with her mother because she had washed her hair before breakfast. Then her mother wanted to send Jose but she was not so active to her duty and liked to stay like the butterfly. At last Sheridan decided to send Laura to the workmen to lead them and so she made the speech to Laura.

For the activity, leadership and performance of Laura; Sheridan made the speech to her youngest daughter. She (Laura) also accepted the duty with great pleasure though she was a teenage girl.      

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